Water4All 2022 - Water4All 2022 «Gestion des ressources en eau : résilience, adaptation et atténuation desévénements hydroclimatiques extrêmes et outils de gestion"

Next-generation biodegradable filters for water purification and desalination – WATER-BIOFIL

Résumé de soumission

Water is the most abundant and indispensable resource of our planet. However, freshwater distribution is very different from region to region, which brings with it a very problematic scenario for drinking water availability, especially following hydro-climatic extreme events. One viable and low-cost solution to provide direct access to drinking water, refers to implementing Point-Of-Use (POU) systems for water purification and desalination. Yet, before doing so, the issues identified by end-users/ consumers regarding filters disposal and recycling should be properly addressed. Thereby, the aim of the WATER-BIOFIL project proposal is to design& assemble& test next generation compostable filters, prepared from biodegradable polymers and/or bio-sourced polymers, which can be thereafter integrated in regular POU systems, and further serve their purpose as first-aid tools to cope with hydro-climatic extreme events, while diminishing the environmental impact of hazardous materials. Considering the proposed aim of the project and the transdisciplinary character of the foreseen activities, the project consortium is joining three renowned RDI entities, from Romania, France and Poland, with expertise in materials science and functional biomaterials (as technology developers), and other two SMEs from Romania and Poland (as technology integrators), with expertise on water purification and waste management. The five Partners are developing complementary activities according to their expertise and skills to ensure further development and/or build-up a multidisciplinary knowledge in a long-term perspective innovation, value creation and assistance in solving societal challenges. The project proposal addresses the required Polish, French, Romanian and EU impacts, with respect to the objectives of WATER4ALL, on ensuring water security for all and reducing environmental hazards.

Coordination du projet

Tanta Verona IORDACHE (Organisme de recherche)

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Aide de l'ANR 703 040 euros
Début et durée du projet scientifique : mars 2024 - 36 Mois

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