Centres d'excellences Equipements d'excellence

Centre d'analyse de systèmes complexes dans les environnements complexes


Keywords: Integrative Structural Biology; Cellular Structural Biology; Cryo-Electron Tomography; Cryo-Electron Microscopy; Mass Spectrometry; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry


The consortium of the EQUIPEX CACSICE has established a multi-site platform aimed at comprehensively understanding the dynamic processes of life at the molecular level. This platform includes mass spectrometers at IBPC and Institut Pasteur for analyzing large dynamic molecular complexes and post-translational modifications, a 700 MHz solid/liquid state NMR spectrometer at IBPC for studying their structure and dynamics, a crystallization robot at Sorbonne University, and a cryo-electron microscopy/cryo-electron tomography core facility at Institut Pasteur equipped with a Titan Krios 300 kV microscope, two Glacios 200 kV microscopes, and an Aquilos 2 cryo-FIB. Additionally, a visualization wall is available at IBPC, ideal to visualize and analyze data and results in a collaborative way. To establish this platform at the present level, the CACSICE consortium obtained significant funding from internal sources and additional grants In addition to the EQUIPEX. 


This comprehensive platform enables scientists to acquire data using multiple biophysical techniques across various length and time scales, integrating them into a consistent, dynamic picture. This approach relies on emerging experimental technologies as well as molecular modeling and numerical simulations. While initially created primarily for the CACSICE consortium, the platform's usage has expanded significantly to include users from across France and abroad, surpassing the number of consortium members. This expansion underscores the foresight of the CACSICE consortium 12 years ago and demonstrates that the CACSICE platform effectively addresses a critical need within the scientific community.


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.

General informations

Acronym: CACSICE
Reference Number: 11-EQPX-0008
Project Region: Île-de-France
Discipline: 5 - Bio Med
PIA investment: 7,500,000 €
Start date: September 2012
End date: December 2024

Project coordination : Michael NILGES
Email: michael.nilges@pasteur.fr

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Institut Pasteur
Partenaire(s) : Sorbonne Université, CNRS délégation Paris-Centre, CNRS Ile-de-France Meudon, CNRS Paris Villejuif, Université Paris Cité

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