Santé et Bio technologies Infrastructures

Centre français de phénomique végétale


Mots-clés : Phénotypage, changement climatique, contraintes abiotiques, contraintes biotiques, génétique d'association, capteurs, FACE, système d'information, bio statistiques


Since 2012, Phenome-Emphasis has developed a high-throughput infrastructure and methods for characterizing diverse plant genotypes under climate change scenarios (drought, high CO2, high temperatures, new diseases). The infrastructure comprises four controlled installations for detailed leaf or root system analysis, two semi-controlled field installations including rainout-shelters and a free-air carbon enrichment system, and three field installations with deep phenotyping tools. These installations accommodate hundreds of genotypes and feature imaging capabilities for functional and 3D plant images. Two supporting installations centralize omic measurements. Developed in collaboration with French SMEs and European infrastructures (IFB / ELIXIR), the tools enhance plant trait measurement, organize phenotypic data for wider scientific use, and manage large datasets using AI and models. This expertise is shared with academic and industrial phenotyping communities, fostering the growth of technology-provider SMEs and supporting training activities for seed companies and SMEs. Phenome-Emphasis leads a French Research Infrastructure, coordinates the EU project PHENET, and contributes to the European ESFRI infrastructure EMPHASIS RI. Between 2020-2024, it provided over 120 accesses, published 25+ scientific articles, and trained 250+ researchers yearly. Future initiatives include AgroEcoPhen and Phenominnov projects, supported by FRANCE 2030 and recurrent funding from MESR, aimed at expanding tool and method dissemination, promoting big data analytics, and providing skilled access to installations for a broader user base.




L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : PHENOME
Référence projet : 11-INBS-0012
Région du projet : Occitanie
Discipline : 4 - Agro Eco
Aide PIA : 29 006 172 €
Début projet : août 2012
Fin projet : décembre 2024

Coordination du projet : Bertrand MULLER
Email :

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : INRAE Centre Occitanie - Montpellier
Partenaire(s) : INRAE Centre Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, INRAE Centre Clermont-Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, Arvalis Institut du Vegetal, INRAE Centre Occitanie - Toulouse, TERRES INOVIA, INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Bordeaux, INRAE Centre Pays de la Loire, INRAE Centre PACA, INRAE Centre Ile-de-France - Versailles-Saclay

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