ERAPG - Réseau de génomique végétale Genoplante 2010 - programme transnational Européen ERA-Plant Genomics

Securing a sustainable production of food and feed ? a functional genomic-guided strategy for improving biotic stress tolerance in cereals. – CEREHEALTH

Submission summary

The aim of this project is to develop innovative resistance breeding strategies for wheat and maize. Quantitative genetic approaches, genomics and bioinformatics will be employed to exploit and extend natural plant resistance against Fusarium and Septoria. 4 workpackages will be pursued: (i) analysis of genetic diversity of crops and pathogens; (ii) identification and characterisiation of functional genomic regions; (iii) candidate gene selection and genetic engineering. The deliverables will be used in workpackage 4 for a ?meta analysis across pathosystems?. The meta analysis will be used in molecular breeding approaches for improved varieties with durable disease resistance by the industrial partners.

Project coordination

Sebastien PRAUD (GE (grande entreprise))

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


Help of the ANR 293,742 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: - 36 Months

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