Environmental Changes and their Categories of Analysis – NATCAT

En parfaite cohérence avec le document scientifique initial, et succédant à une première phase plus lente de mise en place du projet, les chercheurs de Natcat sont montés en puissance sur l’interprétation et l’élaboration des catégories d’analyse. Le jeu des citations et la discussion de catégories communes montrent les échanges entre partenaires : - - Wilderness, nature, environnement, biodiversité. - sur care et environnement

NATCAT a permis le développement du concept de l’Anthropocène sur de nouveaux terrains et disciplines qui réunissent les 3 partenaires (philosophie, éthique, histoire).
Le programme a permis l’articulation des recherches sur l’environnement et de l’éthique du « care » par l’organisation de plusieurs colloques et séminaires. Plus généralement, les recherches sur les catégories de la nature ont ouvert vers une reprise des questions de genre et de l’écoféminisme à partir d’approches nouvelles.
Une série d’actions émergentes ont permis d’articuler la question de la nature à celle de la participation citoyenne aux choix environnementaux et vont se poursuivre en 2016-17.
Le Prix François Sommer 2016 a été attribué à G.Quenet pour son livre Versailles, histoire naturelle.
L’exposition « Terre natale » s’est déroulée au Palais de Tokyo pendant la COP21 et va se déplacer en Australie.

Le projet avance à un bon rythme, comme en témoignent les livrables et les publications. Par rapport au document scientifique initial, des réorientations conceptuelles ont été opérées mais elles nous semblent scientifiquement justifiées, par exemple le déplacement de la catastrophe à l’Anthropocène ou l’importance prise par la notion de care. Les objectifs seront donc atteints dans la durée impartie à Natcat.

Sandra Laugier, Genre et inégalités environnementales : nouvelles menaces, nouvelles analyses, nouveaux féminismes (Introduction), Catherine Larrère,, La nature a-t-elle un genre?«, Sandra Laugier, « Care environnement et éthique globale » dans Les Cahiers du genre, 59, 2015, Genre et Environnement, Nouvelles Menaces, Nouvelles Analyses au Nord et au Sud.
Organisation du colloque « Résistances de la Nature », Sorbonne, Paris 27-28 juin 2016, co-organisation R. Beau, S. Guérard de Latour , S. Laugier, V. Nurock (LabTop et Phico).

William Cronon, Nature et récits. Essais d’histoire environnementale, présenté par Grégory Quenet, Editions Dehors, 2016.
1. Rémi Beau, « From Wilderness to Ordinary Nature : a French View on an American Debate », (Environmental Ethics, vol. 37, 2015)
2. Catherine Larrère Responsabilité à l'égard des générations futures et Justice intergénérationnelle« in Philosophy, Law and Environmental Crisis, Workshop of the Swiss Society of Law and Social Philosophy, September 12-13, 3014, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016, p. 47-59.
3. Catherine Larrère «Justice et environnement : regards croisés entre la philosophie et l'économie«, dossier Justice et environnement, Revue de philosophie économique, Vrin, volume 16, n° 1, juin 2015, p. 3-12.
4. Sandra Laugier, « Politics of vulnerability and responsibility for others », Critical Horizons Volume 17, 2016 - Issue 2 The Politics of Vulnerability
5. Guillaume Blanc et Grégory Quenet (dir.), « Les études éthiopiennes et l’environnement », numéro spécial Etudes rurales, janvier-juin 2016, n° 197
1. Sandra Laugier, Etica e politica dell'ordinario, LED Edizioni Universitarie, 2015.
4. Grégory Quenet, « Les trois écologies de Versailles », in Jérôme Lamy (dir.), Anthropologie historique de la nature, Rennes, PUR, (à paraître)

Submission summary

Environmental Changes and their Categories of Analysis

This project seeks to question the categories that inform our perceptions of environmental changes as dynamics that file continuities and discontinuities between men and their environment. The key objective of the project is to move beyond the dualism between environmental change and social and cultural change, as such dualism informs western ontologies, through an understanding of how this dualism has been produced and how it can be reshuffled. To put it another way, how are such categories produced by humans, negotiating and fighting with human and non-human actors around the way this environment should be understood and possessed? This defines their notion of political and cultural community, within a context of moving environmental and economic constraints.

The originality of the consortium lies in the association of different disciplinary research communities, which have already a genuine expertise and maturity on environmental issues, in order to develop an inter-disciplinary approach, but also – and most of all – shape a common space that does not exist yet and will produce lasting effects on the organization of research. No research project funded under the programme “CEP&S” then “SOC&ENV” has yet gathered historians, philosophers, political scientists, agro-ecologist and specialists of American studies in an inter-disciplinary research structure (the Observatory of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, host of the project), able to initiate a dialogue with specialists of environmental and climatic changes from natural sciences.

The method of analysis of the historical and philosophical foundations of the concept of nature is four-pronged: First, which are the ethical and philosophical categories that structure the relationship between man and nature? The originality of the question, which lies on a wide body of literature, is a proposal to unleash the dualism between nature and culture, exploring pairs of tensions such a nature/artifice, or savage/domestic. Second, how are such categories incarnated in cultural forms that are specific to different societies? The originality here lies in a comparison between schemes of arrangement that are historically situated between humans and non-humans, from three different schemes that are close to each other because they are westerners, but yet firmly unlike each other: the wilderness (US), the terra nullius (Australia), and the landscape (France). Third, how do these categories translate into forms of government and how are they tested by extreme events in a contact of environmental changes? Sovereignty here is addressed from the hypothesis of a biotic right that leads to a re-foundation of the cosmopolitics of nature. This hypothesis of political theory will be tested from the most extreme kind of environmental change: the natural disaster, understood as a laboratory, a dream/nightmare for the government of nature, and government at large. Fourth, what is the capacity of researchers to invent and explore new modes of expressing themselves, thus contributing to the construction of more sustainable communities, beyond the borders of academic research? The moving exhibition (in the footsteps of the exhibition ‘Native Land. Stop Eject’ of the Fondation Cartier), the digital writing of history (the programme Narrativesofchange, UVSQ-UNESCO-MEDDE) and the gallery of natural history (the National Museum of Canberra, the Australian Museum of Sydney and the Natural History Museum of Lille) will be mobilized in this cluster.

The final output of NATCAT will be a contribution to the opening of new perspectives to make nature our home, from philosophical categories that can be mobilized by communities whose sense of place, renewed by the integration of environmental issues, will make them more able to face upcoming challenges.

Project coordination

Gregory QUENET (Centre d'Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés contemporaines / Observatoire de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) –

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


LabTop - U-Paris8 Laboratoire Théories du Politique
PHICO - U-Paris1 Philosophies Contemporaines
CHCSC / OVSQ Centre d'Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés contemporaines / Observatoire de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Help of the ANR 255,832 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2013 - 42 Months

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