DS0804 - Création, cultures et patrimoines

Reading in Europe: Contemporary Issues in Historical and Comparative Perspectives – P-RECIHC

Submission summary

The digital "revolution" has radically transformed reading. We are witnessing today simultaneous transformations in the ways that texts are produced, distributed and experienced by readers. Reading remains key to educational attainment, cultural enrichment and leisure, yet public reports show that information and communication technologies challenge traditional reading and learning habits: people read less printed material, a gap emerges between digital natives with limited attention spans or critical reading-skills, and expert readers combining traditional and digital reading.
These developments have important consequences for literacy and access to culture raising political and economic questions and leading to social divisions. Questions of access for marginalized groups must be identified, and strategies designed to ensure equal participation in educational and leisure reading activities and other forms of civic engagement.

Until now little has been done to investigate the full impact of the digital media on reading and nothing at a European scale: yet, reading is an essential tool for critical thinking deeply rooted in European cultures and crucial to fostering its informed citizenries. Europe also wields immense cultural influence through the international stature of its publishing industry and the global reach of many European languages, books and authors, but Governments, cultural institutions and industries make decisions based on insufficient evidence of Who is reading What and How? How does this revolution affect Europe’s cultural identities? Which new possibilities does it offer to non readers, disempowered or disabled people?

The scholarship devoted to the history of past print culture in Europe is vast, and interest in reading practices has led to important studies in the 90ies. The habits and tastes of ordinary readers have also been explored through “Reading Experience” databases in the UK and the Netherlands. Yet, it tends to be addressed on a national level and from a single disciplinary perspective. Besides, compared to Gutenberg’s technological revolution of the 15th century or to the “reading revolution” of the 18th century, today’s digital revolution is so multi-faceted that it requires a new comparative and interdisciplinary approach
The European network of leading experts in the field of Reading studies involved in the Action P-RECICH will address these challenges through a 24 months feasibility study that will prepare a grant proposal to a Horizon 2020 European research programme.

In view of this, its scientific programme is designed to evaluate the main factors impacting current reading practices, learning processes and social awareness in Europe. Four thematic working groups will take a comparative approach to the diversity of European reading experiences, industries and policies in order to identify landmarks in reading history, not only at a national level, but also across borders. They will sketch out how new devices (audiobooks, e-books, tablets,) are inspiring new commercial strategies and creating new experiences for readers, who are confronted with texts in multiple versions and formats. An additional technical support group will draw the outline of an innovative European Reading Experience Database (Eu-RED).
Networking activities such as general meetings, short term scientific missions and survey samples will help nurture a theoretical framework of approach and disseminate information to professionals in publishing and education, policy makers, and the general public.

P-RECICH will increase the visibility of French research in the field of Book studies, showcase its ability to build a much needed high level international and interdisciplinary network and stress out the potential academic and social benefits of a future research programme contributing to more widespread understanding of Europe’s identity and of its ability to ensure cohesive societies in the digital age.

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.



Help of the ANR 49,920 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: October 2014 - 24 Months

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