Programme Prioritaire de Recherche Make Our Planet Great Again

CaTaLyst foR TrAnsItion to ReNewable Energy FutuRe


Mots-clés : Catalysis; Sustainable and environmental processes; Renewable energy technology; Carbon-capture and utilization; surface engineered nanomaterials; metal-free catalysts; methanation reaction; induction heating


TRAINER project has emphasized the role of catalysis as the quiet force working behind the modernization of energy processes and the chemical industry. It focused on chemical technologies for a low-carbon energy future based on Carbon-Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon-Capture and Utilization (CCU). Overall, its technological findings have appreciably contributed to answer urgent societal needs such as the reduction of environmental carbon footprint impact (climate changes, CG) and the rapid transition towards a more energy-sustainable economy (energy transition, ET). Cheap and abundant transition-metal based catalysts supported on unconventional and non-innocent metal oxides as selective and durable systems for the autothermal CO2 conversion into substituted natural gas (SNG, CO2-to-CH4 conversion) well summarize the project breakthroughs in a challenging research area at the heart of power-to-gas technology and provide useful hints to address severe environmental concerns. In addition, TRAINER has deeply contributed to “greenify chemical industry” making it less dependent on fossil resources by fostering its transition towards the so-called "electrification" (e-chemistry and e-catalysis). On this ground, selected and energy-intensive chemical processes have been successfully promoted by straightforwardly prepared and robust catalytic materials combined with a conceptually different and less energy wasting heat management based on the use of induction heated reactors in the place of classical ones (flame and resistance heating or traditional furnaces). Such a heating scheme applied to flow-reactors has allowed us to re-evaluate and intensify energy challenging catalytic transformations, making them safer and really sustainable. More details on TRAINER outcomes are available on the official project website (


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Informations générales

Acronyme projet : TRAINER
Référence projet : 17-MPGA-0017
Région du projet : Grand Est
Discipline : 2 - SMI
Aide PIA : 749 148 €
Début projet : septembre 2018
Fin projet : septembre 2022

Coordination du projet : Giuliano GIAMBASTIANI
Email :

Consortium du projet

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